If you are planning a very special paddle-powered trip, then we may be able to assist. We have helped numerous paddlers and adventurers complete their individual epic journey’s by building rugged extra-special kayaks.
We’ve been involved in everything from the creation of new models, from scratch, right down to relatively small modifications to our existing production models.
We work closely with Rob Feloy, designer of many sea kayaks including the popular Inuk range and together we’ve created formidable custom craft. One of our greatest achievements came in seeing Peter Bray safely across the North Atlantic on the first ever solo unassisted kayak crossing. We’ve also helped Cyril Derreumaux paddle unassisted from California to Hawaii, and the Forces of Nature team embark on a 2000km unsupported kayak expedition of The Inside Passage from Olympia in Washington State to Skagway in Alaska.
Using our 5x10ft 3-axis light-industrial CNC router, we are able to accurately machine your patterns from low to high density foam including PU model board, epoxy board, XPS and EPS. This may be from one or multiple pieces depending on the part. From here we can then skin the foam for a one-off hand-finished deck and hull, or make temporary moulds for more exotic constructions and short productions runs.
Our focus is typically in the building and design, so to complete the team you’ll need to enlist the help of an expedition expert like Rob Feloy to help you plan your adventure and workout all the nitty-gritty, so you have the equipment and knowledge you need to to achieve your goals as safely as possible.
As every project is different and has it’s own set of considerations we will collaborate with you at every step of the way.