The UK's leading manufacturer of performance kayaks



With low-profile racing lines and a well-balanced hull form, the Tempest delivers stability and performance. It comes as standard with our quick-adjusting universal sliding seat (available in a choice of heights) and our usual range of footrest options including the club-friendly sliding system. 

The Tempest was designed with optimal stability in mind, making it the perfect choice for newcomers to the sport. For the more experienced, it’s a cost-effective second choice for the colder seasons, when the risk of going for an unexpected swim is unthinkable.

Despite the relatively large size of this K1, it remains surprisingly agile in the water and it is able to maintain a fast cruising speed with minimal effort. The larger paddler in particular, will appreciate the spacious cockpit. The sleek low profile gives a racing appearance without compromising practicality and the high-displacement hull shape means it is suitable for a large range of paddler weights.

Available in white, with a choice of three deck flashes (red, blue and black), the sporty styling of the Tempest means it looks great from the bank and from the cockpit so you can paddle with confidence. What’s more, the hull conforms to the Paddleability racing rules, making it one of the best-value and best-performing contenders in the field.

+ Sleek racing styling

+ Suitable for beginners to the sport

+ Quick adjusting universal seat with a choice of height options

+ Original runs were manufacturered in China







Sizes available



10 out of 10


Start Date

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